
What does our future food system look like? Give us your ideas!

Never has there been such a need for a change in the way we think about food and the potential it has to play in tackling the deep-rooted challenges faced by our communities and the planet. 

Cambridge Sustainable Food Partnership has made progress on overcoming these challenges in our city, through our previous Action Plan.

The Cambridge Sustainable Food Partnership is now constructing a new Action Plan for the future. This aims to tackle the 6 key food issues set out by Sustainable Food Places, of which Cambridge is a member and bronze award holder. All of our work as a food partnership is designed to tackle the food challenges we face locally and to create a better, more sustainable Cambridge for the future.

One of the first steps in creating this Action Plan, and a key component for its success, is input from you. We want to know what the people of Cambridge want, and need! So, Please tell us what is important to you in the form below.