'Good Food' - Velvet Magazine celebrates Cambridge Sustainable Food's Fifth Birthday and Food For Change launch
Cambridge Sustainable Food’s fifth birthday and the launch of Food for Change are celebrated in Velvet Magazine’s May edition, ‘Blossoms and Blue Skies‘. Here’s an extract of what the authors had to say:
‘CSF has marked its fifth birthday with the launch of a new campaign, Food for Change, and a new flagship project, Veg Cities, set to culminate in a summer Veg Fest in the city. Food for Change, say the CSF team, “is a long-term expression of our purpose to change food culture.”
“We waste one third of food that could be eaten at the same time as there are more people than ever being forced to use food banks” explains Bev Sedley. All of this can change! ’
Read the whole article on page 23.
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Read the full article on page 23 of Velvet Magazine’s May Edition, ‘Blossoms and Blue Skies’.