Date: Monday, 17 April, 2023 - 17:30 to 18:30
Event location: on-line Please click here to book.
The price of food is rising alongside fuel and energy pushing more and more people into food poverty, forcing them to make difficult choices.
For years the British food system has prioritised making food as cheap as possible, with, some would say, little regard for nutritional value. As a result many people's diets consist of food that is not good for their health or for the environment.
Can and should we change people’s perception of food to make quality a priority? How can we move away from a system in which unhealthy food is almost always the cheapest and create a system that prioritises food that benefits our health and our planet?
Join our brilliant panel to discuss the true cost of our food and some of the issues we face in reforming the system.
Chaired by Professor Giles Yeo, author of Gene Eating and Calories don’t count, presenter of BBC2's Trust Me I'm a Doctor, and Principal Research Associate, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University of Cambridge, with Professor Lucia Reisch from the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, and Professor Tim Benton from Chatham House.