Fun, Food and Action Holiday Lunch Attracts Over 70 People To The Abbey Stadium

On Monday 17th February, Cambridge United Community Trust hosted another Holiday Lunch at the Abbey Stadium in partnership with Cambridge Sustainable Food, Abbey People and Cambridge City Council. Holiday lunches provide free food and activities for local families during the school holidays and are primarily aimed at families who normally receive free school meals, or who find the added expense of food in school holidays challenging to manage, but everyone is welcome.

Over 70 people, mostly from the Abbey Ward, took part in various activities during the morning session. In the arts and craft zone, organised by Abbey People, families made gargoyle masks, while in the food zone, children made flatbreads and smoothies. Families were also able to visit one of the County Council’s mobile libraries which was parked up in the stadium car park. After the morning activities had been completed, a free lunch was served, consisting of delicious soup followed by fruit crumble and custard.

In the afternoon, Jill Fordham, a local artist, led a gargoyle lantern making workshop, making good use of used plastic milk bottles. Meanwhile, the local choir, Abbey Voices, kept everyone entertained by singing a variety of songs about the local area, some of which were written by Michael Rosen. The event ended with families heading off to the Leper Chapel for a guided tour.

Cambridge United’s Community Liaison Officer, Simon Wall, who helped organise the event, expressed, “The Community Trust is passionate about improving community cohesion and tackling food poverty, and helping to put on an event like this is deeply satisfying. Seeing a community come together like this is amazing.”

The Community Trust are hoping to host another Holiday Lunch during the Easter holidays.

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