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Sustainable Sourcing Organisations

How you shop can make a big difference to the planet and plays a key role in supporting the local food economy. As an organisation you can have a big influence on Cambridge’s sustainable food system by making sure the food and drink that you buy, cater and promote for your staff and clients benefits the local community and environment. Through communication and education within the workplace, you are well placed to shape a positive food culture and create change that stretches out to the wider community.

By buying better your organisation has the power to influence change through every shop, whether that is by buying local and seasonal, supporting high animal welfare or by choosing plastic free packaging. In Cambridge we have a thriving sustainable food scene and are spoiled for choice when it comes to local producers who support sustainable food systems. Discover how you can take action through buying better.


Actions your organisation could take 

  • Provide meat and dairy free meals and options. 

  • Cater for people and the planet at your organisations events.

  • Shorten the supply chain by supporting local suppliers and caterers who source fresh produce that is grown or farmed locally and seasonally.

  • Support suppliers and caterers who use organic, fairly traded, argoecologically produced and ethically sourced ingredients, and those who support high welfare meat, dairy and eggs. 

  • Support suppliers and caterers who don’t use single-use packaging.

  • Join a local collection scheme when finished with the product, such as Cambridge Food Hub’s Crisp packet collection scheme.

  • Adopt a sustainable food policy.

Sustainable Sourcing in Cambridge

Cambridge is a Silver awarded sustainable food city, part of the Sustainable Food Places network. One of the achievements that led Cambridge to achieving this award is the high standard of catering and procurement throughout the city. This includes the council, university colleges, schools and other organisations. For example, 25 nurseries, schools, and colleges, teaching over 9,000 children, are catered by a Food For Life Served Here contractor and hold Food For Life awards themselves (9 Gold, 15 Bronze, 2 Early Years) in Cambridge. Explore these achievements in full here.

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