Buying Better
How you shop can make a big difference to the planet and plays a key role in supporting the local food economy. A recent study by Growing Communities has found that for every £1 spent by customers on veg boxes or farmer’s markets, £3.70 is generated in environmental, social and economic value. By buying from local suppliers, you help shorten the supply chain, keeping the money and benefits within the local community, and you play a vital role in shaping a better food system for people and the planet.
Buying local and seasonal produce can greatly reduce your food’s carbon footprint. Out of season food flown in from abroad is very carbon intensive, due to transport of products emissions, and required storage and growing conditions, such as heated greenhouses. So by supporting local producers, you not only benefit the workers, but the environment too! There is also often more transparency in local suppliers over how your food is produced, for instance in terms of environmental, welfare or worker standards. If you are unsure when shopping, make sure to look for the key indicators such as organic or Fair Trade or look out for one of Cambridge’s award-winning sustainable food businesses!
By buying better you have the power to influence change through every shop you take, whether that is by buying local and seasonal, supporting high animal welfare or by choosing plastic free packaging. In Cambridge we have a thriving sustainable food scene and are spoiled for choice when it comes to local producers who support sustainable food systems. Discover how you can take action through shopping - and if you have any more suggestions, let us know!
Actions you can take
Shop local and seasonal
Avoid air freighted fruit and veg
Choose labels that support higher animal welfare standards, sustainable fishing practices, and support local producers such as Fair Trade
Buy organic where possible
Choose food with little or no packing, especially plastic
Bring your own refillable container or keep-cup
Cambridge Sustainable Food Guidance
Discover the importance of buying local and seasonal and explore what’s in season.
Support local producers and wholesalers. Explore our Sustainable Food Directory and take our online sustainable food tour, showcasing Cambridge’s sustainable eateries and food shops.
Learn about the importance of supporting a local food ecosystem through the Cambridge Food Hub.
External Guidance
Learn what the welfare labels mean.
Learn what to look for when you are buying sustainable fish and make sure to follow the Marine Conservation Society Good Fish Guide.
Shop at your local Cambridge farmers market to support the local food economy.