Sustainable Sourcing - Businesses
As a business, how you source your produce can make a big difference to the planet and plays a key role in supporting the local food economy. By supporting local suppliers, you help shorten the supply chain, keeping the money and benefits within the local community, and you play a vital role in shaping a better food system for people and the planet.
By buying better you have power to influence change through every meal you serve, or item you sell, whether that is by buying local and seasonal and reducing your carbon footprint, supporting high animal welfare or by choosing plastic free packaging. In and around Cambridge we have a thriving sustainable food scene and are spoiled for choice when it comes to local producers who support sustainable food systems. Explore our suggested action to discover how you can take action below.
Actions your organisation could take:
Change your menu to reflect the delights of the season and support Cambridge’s local suppliers, by sourcing fresh produce that is grown or farmed locally and is in season.
Adopt a sustainable sourcing policy for your business.
Choose to serve higher welfare meat, dairy and eggs, and commit to only serving sustainably sourced fish.
Use organic, fairly traded, argoecologically produced or ethically sourced ingredients.
Choose products that avoid single-use packaging.
Have spare backyard or windowsill space? Reduce your food miles to food metres by growing your own fruit and veg, to use within your business.
Support producers across the world earn a secure and sustainable livelihood, by becoming a member of the Fair Trade Workplace of World Changers
Cambridge Sustainable Food Guidance
Support local producers and wholesalers, explore our Sustainable Food Directory on where to shop in Cambridge .
Discover the importance of buying and serving local and seasonal produce, supporting local producers and growing your own.
Cambridge Food Hub is an innovative food distribution system, aiming to increase the accessibility of sustainable food whilst supporting local producers and small businesses. They provide services to help local good food businesses.
Want to make sure your suppliers have high sustainability standards? Cambridge is fortunate to have many amazing award-winning food businesses who are endeavouring to become more environmentally friendly and ethical, from using organic and high animal welfare produce to implementing robust waste management strategies. Explore the businesses and awards achieved here.
Guidance on sourcing sustainable fish from our previously run Sustainable Fish Cities campaign.
Explore our Environmental Advice for food businesses page for further advice covering food waste reduction, recycling in Cambridge, reducing packaging use, saving water and energy, sustainable sourcing, keeping it local and how to communicate sustainability with your staff.
Beginner growing resources, guides, and tips for growing with limited space.
We provide a guidance service on all aspects of sustainability, find out more.