A Sustainable Food place
Cambridge Sustainable Food’s work is focused on partnerships, projects and campaigns that capture the imagination and help to deliver change in Cambridge and the surrounding area.
Our work follows the key issues set out by Sustainable Food Places. The Sustainable Food Places Network helps organisations, people and places share challenges, explore practical solutions and develop best practice on six key food issues. Sustainable Food Places is a partnership programme run by the Soil Association, Food Matters and Sustain.
See our Gold Food Cambridge Action plan and outline
Read our previous Action Plan for 2017-2020 here and its progress review here.
All of our work across the six issues, is designed to tackle the food challenges we face locally and to create a better, more sustainable Cambridge for the future.
Sustainable Food Places Award
Our work was recognised nationally in 2016 when Cambridge won a Sustainable Food City Bronze Award, one of the first cities to hold this award. You can read the original application on the national Sustainable Food Places (previously Sustainable Food Cities) website and our bronze award renewal application here.
In June 2021 Cambridge Sustainable Food Partnership achieved a Silver Award from Sustainable Food Places, and in 2024 we achieved the Gold Award.